školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

DIY workshop of Tamara Wilhelm: devices!

oscillator & amplifier

Three days workshop focused on DIY electronic devices lead by Tamara Wilhelm. Tamara Wilhelm builds simple oscillators whose sparse sounds she uses in musical collaborations, sound installations and compositions. She studied at the Institute for Electroacoustic Composition at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Besides numerous encounters in improvising contexts she plays in several formations, their focuses reach from noise and abstract music, imaginary soundscapes and instant songs to multimedia performance. Since 2001 she furthermore engages in experimental instrument building and vegetable-adequate composition with The Vegetable Orchestra.

Concert of Tamara Wilhelm with special guests (e.g. author of ppooll software Klaus Filip) will be on Sunday, December 12.

Capacity is limited to 12 participants. THE WORKSHOP IS FULLY BOOKED!
Entry fee 650 CZK, which includes cost of the parts.
If you own soldering iron, bring it!

Please apply in advance to: petr.vrba@post.cz
You will be informed if your attendance is confirmed.

friday 12.12. 18:00–21:00
saturday 13.12. 10:00–13:00; 15:00–18:00
sunday 14.12. 10:00–14:00
change of timetable possible

• how to read a schematic and transfer it to a circuit board
• how to build an oscillator with 3 components
• how to solder
• how to build a simple amplifier
• where to to look if you want to go on at home

Vstupné: 650 Kč