školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Field recording and active listening workshop with Simon Whetham

from 1pm to 6 pm each day
the workshop will result into the collaborative performance of the workshop participants on Sunday the 25th at 8 pm

The participants will get the first-hand experience in a variety of the different techniques and methods of the field recording and the principles of active listening during the two-day workshop with Simon Whetham. They will try to build a cheap and simple contact microphone and apply your experience in audio performance then.

Simon Whetham is the British sound artist and performer who works with field recording as a substantial material for the sound composition.
Simon has published a large number of his works through many labels including Touch Music, Cronica, Dragon's Eye, Monochrome Vision and Entr'acte; has performed extensively internationally; collaborated with artists from musicians to performance artists, painters or video artists; has run listening and field recording workshops in UK, Estonia, Colombia, Chile and Australia; and received a large number of commissions and awards for the different projects and installations – notably for his own project 'Active Crossover', which comprises sound installation, performance, collaboration and workshops, has toured six cities in the UK, and also been hosted in Estonia, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Australia, with future residencies in Germany and Norway.

The workshop is prepared within one month residency stay of Simon Whetham at the Galerie Školská 28.

The capacity of the workshop is limited to 10 participants.
The workshop fee: 350 CZK
Registration required in advance to: veronika@skolska28.cz

the schedule of the workshop in details:

Session 1 (approx. 5 hours needed – includes breaks)
Introduction to work:
− field recording leads to hidden sounds, investigations and performance ideas
− history
− example 'gangplank'
− shift approaches – remote locations, quiet places, passive-active. example 'hydrostatic'
− shift approach – solo/collaborative. example 'd/r'
− shift approach – studio based investigations. examples 'urns' 'drowning electret'
− shift approach – workshops with children and adults leading to performance
Listening session:
− listen to room, outside room, distance
− blindfold game
− blindfold walk
Introduction to recording:
− equipment used currently
− techniques
− explanation of budget/accessibility
− recorders
Recording walk:
− as a group to demonstrate possibilities
− separately to find 1 or 2 interesting sounds
− playback listening session to group
− discussion

Session 2 (approx. 5 hours needed – includes breaks)
Build contact microphones:
− participants will solder microphones if confident to do so
− test the microphones work
− reinforce joint on microphones with epoxy
Recording with contact microphones:
− participants explore solo making short recordings of interesting sounds
− playback listening session to group
Explanation of performance idea:
− split group in 2, one half act as audience, other half performers
− play guide recording and conduct performers
− switch roles, so performers become audience and vice versa
− ask for ideas to improve activity
− work out structure so less need for conducting or instruction during performance

About the Artist 

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