školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Carolina Andreetti & Hernán Hayet

TAPP (Workshop of Precarious Projectors)
+ Sound Lab

Two simultaneous audiovisual workshops led by the Argentinian duo.

Caroline Andreetti teaches how to manufacture tools for analog design using recycled materials or waste. During the workshop participants will be acquainted with various analog projection systems.

The sound lab by Hernán Hayet is a workshop for anyone interested in creating their own musical instruments from recycled or waste materials. We will work with intensifying systems with piezo and magnetic sensors.

The workshop is for those interested in synthesis, audiovisual art, collective improv, creation and listening in real time.

During the workshop on 23.04, there will be a performance by the workshop leaders with the project Pichincha8.

Participation is limited to 20 persons.

Registration and information: michal@skolska28.cz

Vstupné: 600 Kč

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