školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Meeting at the Osek Monastery

Frontiers of Solitude
Pá 25.9. - 17:00

Dear friends and supporters of the Frontiers of Solitude project:

We would like to extend our thanks for your participation and support of the expeditions in Most and Iceland. To celebrate the end of the traveling around the open pits there we will have a program in Osek Monastery, with refreshments. It would be a pleasure if you could join us. The event will look back over the three week long Czech residency program with images and the participants of the Iceland residency.


5 PM: Impressions, sound and video from the journeys in the Most basin and Iceland (Dagmar Šubrtová, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Pavel Mrkus, Martin Zet, Michal Kindernay, and others).

7 PM: A concert for double bass and live electronics by George Cremaschi.


7:30 PM: Sound performance by Laura Luna, inspired by the process of mining coal. We will try to explore with imaginary field recordings the strange ambivalence that these mines and the towns surrounding them makes us feel. We will use motors, gravel, rocks and coal on a small scale to produce the “field recordings”, and merge them with our idealized perceptions of the processes that we see happening in and around the huge open pits.


8 PM: Concert for organ in the Monastery Church.

Participants and collaborators of the Frontiers of Solitude project (Dagmar Subrtová, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Michal Kindernay, and Dominik Žižka).

Participants and collaborators of the Frontiers of Solitude project (Dagmar Šubrtová, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Michal Kindernay, Dana Recmanová, Dominik Žižka, Eliška Žáková, Lloyd Dunn)

More information is available at the project website: http://frontiers -of-solitude.org

Project is organized by Školská 28 Gallery (DEAI/Setkání) as part of a bigger, transnational project called Frontiers of Solitude (www.frontiers-of-solitude.org/ ), supported from the EEA Grants (Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) through the programme CZ06 Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Art. Partners of the project are Atelier Nord in Oslo, Norway, and the Center for Visual Art Skaftfell, Iceland.

Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, Osek

Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, Osek