školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
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Magdalena N. Kwiatkowska - Děti z Absurdlandu / Children from the Absurdland

Moderated by: Mariana Serranová and Magdalena N. Kwiatkowska
St 6.4. - 18:00

Book launch and cross-reading with the protagonists of the story:

Evou Jiřičkou, Tomášem Vaňkem, Tomášem Džadoněm, Jitkou Mikulicovou, Dominikem Langem, Evou Koťátkovou, Michalem Pěchoučkem, Alexyeyem Klyuykovem, Jiřím Thýnem, Jiřím Skálou, Slávou Sobotovičovou, Karlem Císařem, Vojtěchem Fröhlichem, Edith Jeřábkovou and others.

Book with the graphic design by Jakub Kovařík will christen Jana a Jiří Ševčík.

Children from Absurdland draws the reader into the adventures of the heroine and her classmates. Seemingly fictional stories of children absurd landscape full of surprises and unexpected twists are based on real works of artists of the new millennium, mainly from the former Eastern bloc. The author reconstructed the significant cultural tendencies and actual achievements of artists of her generation in the form of short stories. She focused mainly on the local art community event, which was witnessed and artistic personalities that influenced it. In places it is rather an allusion to the discursive topics and their loose interpretations. Short episodes combines children's way of telling heroine Magda. The ambition of the book is not complete and exhaustive reproduction of phenomena of contemporary events, but rather their freely conceived illustrations.

Děti z Absurdlandu
Text: Magdalena Natalia Kwiatkowska
Editor: Mariana Serranová
Graphic design and layout: Jakub Kovařík
Language editing: Klára Ambrůzová, Alice Hekrdlová, Mariana Serranová

Published by the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2016 as part of the doctoral thesis of Children Absurdland. Experience and Arts under the direction of Thomas Vaněk.

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