Výzva pro umělce a výzkumníky

k podání projektů pro tvůrčí pobyty nadace Agosto Foundation

Nadace vyzývá umělce a výzkumníky z různých disciplín k podání projektů v rámci programu tvůrčích pobytů v Praze. 
Uzávěrka: 15. srpen 2018

Více informací níže v angličtině:


Conditions: Artists and researchers receive a private apartment in the center of Prague for a period of up to 3 months, a grant of approximately €750 (in Czech currency) to support the proposed project, travel expenses (limited) and assistance in its implementation.

Eligibility: The Foundation encourages and welcomes the participation of artists, curators and researchers from various backgrounds to apply for the support of projects which are in line with the mission of the Agosto Foundation and the declared objectives of the residency.

Through the Agosto Residency Program, the Foundation seeks to create a context, not restricted solely to artists, for those active in the cultural realm to step outside of their usual frames of reference and to reach across disciplines. The aim is to facilitate, support and maintain a general platform for engaged, creative, adisciplinary (not oriented toward any one discipline) and exploratory projects. A special focus will be on artists and specialists whose work has crossed (or implies the crossing of) the boundaries of their fields (visual art, new media, sound art, experimental music, literature, etc.) Other interdisciplinary collaborations or cooperations are welcome to apply, as well.

How to Apply:
The completed application, written in English, will include:
  • A project proposal from the artist (250 words maximum).               
  • Artist contact information and CV.
  • Documentation of previous projects.
  • A motivation letter explaining the context and framework of the proposed project and specification of any operational or financial requests. It should also indicate the preferred time of the residency and its expected outcome (500 words maximum).

All completed applications must be submitted by e-mail to  email addresses:
with “Agosto residency program" and your name in the email subject.

Review Criteria: Applications will be evaluated by the foundation board created on the basis of the nature of the projects with respect to the following criteria:

• The degree to which the proposed project falls in line with the mission of the Agosto Foundation and the declared objectives of the residency
• The artist’s proficiency and level of excellence
• The potential benefit to the artist of a residency and of his or her interaction with the community in the Czech Republic
• The potential of the project to create a dialogue or foster the interactions of audiences with the work
• If the artist is not Czech, the artist’s interest in bringing the benefits of the exchange to his or her home country.

For more information, please visit https://agosto-foundation.org/ or contact the residency curator Michal Kindernay michal.kindernay[at]agosto-foundation.org.

Tvůrčí pobyty nadace Agosto Foundation pro umělce/kyně a výzkumníky/ce si kladou za cíl
rozvíjet prostředí, ve kterém se jak umělci/kyně a teoretici/teoretičky, tak lidé jiným způsobem
činní v kulturním prostoru mohou odpoutat od jejich běžného životního rámce a sdílet informace
napříč obory a disciplínami. Cílem je vytvářet a kultivovat obecnou platformu pro aktivní,
kreativní a neoborové (tj. bez orientace na jakýkoliv specifický obor) objevování. Hostujícím je
věnována podpora při realizaci projektů se snahou o spolupráci s českými umělci/kyněmi a
institucemi a schopností intervenovat do české kulturní krajiny.

V roce 2018 se projekt uskutečňuje za finanční podpory Minsiterstva kultury.