Collected sounds

Time-lapse Microstories of the Sonic Environment
Daniela Šterbáková




Daniela Šterbáková


Acoustic Ecology

The article is available only in Slovak. Please find a summary below in English.


Sounds cannot be collected or understood. As soon as we want to put a limit on the sound, we remove it from its essence, which includes limitless uncertainty. The temporal limits of sound are qualitative and, besides the perceived sound itself, are related to the whole sound environment and the perceived world in a wider sense. It is partly woven arbitrarily, but with attention. This is also true for the spatial limits of sound, which has a certain (measurable) place within the sound field, but in terms of hearing, we are not always sure where the sound comes from, what the source is.

Daniela Šterbáková

Daniela Šterbáková (born 1985 in Košice, Slovakia, lives in Prague), is a philosopher with interest in the philosophy of literature, music and film, and also in questions concerning sensory perception and imagination. Her experience with contact improvisation as well as with small children contributed to her interest in sounds and sonic environments. She studied at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, where after a one-year research stay in Oxford (UK) she led a series of research seminars. Author of the books Silence: John Cage, Philosophy of Absences and the Experience of Silence (2019, Karolinum, Prague, in Slovak), and To Think: A Philosophical Commentary on Thomas Bernhard's Short Novel Gehen and Novels Alte Meister and Holzfällen (2016, FFUK, Prague, in Czech). She is currently fully occupied with her little son, and she enjoys occasional non-academic writing.