Acoustic Ecology

Exploring the Aural World
An Acoustic Ecology Reader
photo: Lasse-Marc Riek-acoeco-header.jpg

Speculative Ecologies

The Fertile Ground Between Art and Ecology
Speculative Ecololgies (2019) – cover image-cover-page-001.jpg

Prague: An Introduction

Studiolum Free University by Tamás Sajó

An Atlas of Obscure Particulars

The Papers of Antonín Ziegler, Maker of Pipes from Krásná Hora by Havlíčkův Brod
A meditation on a lost world of paper communication
Ziegler theme-ziegler-theme-ol40225.jpg

Cinema Ponrepo

Screenings sponsored by Agosto Foundation
Spring 2020 Program
Disappearing of Essence: Endangered Places
The Ancient Woods (Sengirė) 2017. A film by Mindaugas Survila-the_ancient_woods_3-crop-.jpg

Excavating the Future

An Archaeology and Future of Moving Pictures: A Case Study in (Un)Archiving Unstable Media
Vilém Flusser. Photo: Josef Snobl-vilem-flusser-by-josef-snobl.png

Frontiers of Solitude

Na pomezí samoty
Transformations of the landscape and the close connections between our post-industrial civilization and nature
Frontiers of Solitude - Na pomezí Samoty-6-earth.jpg


vs. Interpretation: the Book

Sonic Circuits

Accompanying program to the exhibition Sounds / Codes / Images: Audio Experimentation in Visual Arts
4 June – 13 October, 2019
GHMP Stone Bell House / Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace

Soundworms Ecology Gathering

22 — 24 September 2017
Media collection

The Válová Sisters

From Obscurity to Rediscovery
Jitka a Květa Válová-valovy-doktorat-042.jpg

Upsych316a: Universal Psychiatric Church

Opera Omnia of The Peerless Cooperative of the Holy Nurture (JSD)

vs. Interpretation

24.7 – 1.5 2016
Archive of Festival Website

vs. Interpretation 2014

Documentation of the Festival and Symposium held in Prague with participants from around the world
vs. Interpretation 2014 Festival-vsi2014.png

vs. Interpretation 2016

On site Interviews
Improvisational Musicians and Composers Speak About Their Work
vs. Interpretation 2016-christof-kurzmann-2.png

Architecture and the Senses

Seminar, Workshops and Performances
12–14 October 2018
Plasy Monastery