Roland Eckelt


Artist Residency




Roland Eckelt


Hermit Residencies 1999


Plasy Monastery

Born 1958 in Wiesbaden

1982 – 87 Studium Freie Kunst / Malerei
, Hochschule für Künste Bremen, 
with Prof. Rolf Thiele
Lives in Strodehne, Brandenburg

Visual artist, lives in Strodehne, Brandenburg. Roland is the chairman of the association WerkFreunde Strodehne e.V., board member of BBK-Brandenburg and a delegate in IGBK since 2023.

His work is context- and site-specific, mostly thematic in the media of painting, film/video and sculpture. The focus of his artistic work is the investigation and representation of manifestations of communication.  The respective artwork does not simply depict a fact or reflect the real world, but illustrates the reality of ideas or imaginations.

Meine künstlerischen Arbeiten thematisieren die Umordnung von Begrifflichkeiten und Zusammenhängen eines Gegenstands, um dafür andere Regeln aufzustellen. Ich arbeite genreübergreifend in Form von Malerei, Video, Performances und Skulptur.

2021 Arbeitsstipendium Neustart Kultur, VG Bild Kunst
2020/21 Mikrostipendium I, II, III, MFWK Land Brandenburg
2018 Arbeitsstipendium Deveron-Project Huntley, Schottland
2010 Bremer Videokunst Förderpreis
1999 Atelierstipendium Hermit Foundation Plasy, Tschechische Republik
2011 Kunst fürs Dorf - Dörfer für Kunst, Deutsche Stiftung Kulturlandschaft (mit atelier havelblick)
1998 Projektstipendium Berliner Senat, Werte und Helden 01
1996 dreimonatiger Arbeitsaufenthalt in Hue / Vietnam (Stipendium Schmitz Stiftung)
1995 Reisestipendium Bremer Studienfonds für Vietnam
1994 Arbeitsstipendium Mairie de Paris (Direction des Affaires Culturelles), Paris
1991 Atelierstipendium Kunststiftung — Kunst en Complex, Rotterdam


Roland Eckelt was born 1958 in Wiesbaden, between 1982 – 87 studium Freie Kunst / Malerei
 at Hochschule für Künste Bremen, 
with Prof. Rolf Thiele
Visual artist, lives in Strodehne, Brandenburg. Roland is the chairman of the association WerkFreunde Strodehne e.V., board member of BBK-Brandenburg and a delegate in IGBK since 2023. His work is context- and site-specific, mostly thematic in the media of painting, film/video and sculpture. The focus of his artistic work is the investigation and representation of manifestations of communication.  The respective artwork does not simply depict a fact or reflect the real world, but illustrates the reality of ideas or imaginations.

He was in Plasy as resident in 1999.