školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Heribert Friedl - Microsound

Thu 27.9. - 21:00

Heribert Friedl lives in Vienna, and studied sculpture at the University of Applied Arts there. In his exhibitions he has been working with scents and its non visual phenomenons - sometimes in combination with sounds. He has had exhibitions, soundperformances and projects in cities of Hungary, Germany, England, Italy, USA, Cuba and Austria.?Since 1998 he makes music in solo, or collaborations with artists like Bernhard Günter, John Norman (Radian) and Dale Lloyd. Besides digital sounds and field recordings he's been using sounds of cymbalon and zither in his recent works.

Heribert Friedl follows the kind of minimalist aesthetics that works with a few sounds, small events, nearly imperceptible movements. Despite seeming simple, this is a very delicate kind of music: each and every sound bears enormous significance and have to bear the responsibility for the whole work.

After more mp3-releases and albums on labels line (usa) trente oiseaux (germany) and and/OAR (usa) he founded his label nonvisualobjects with Raphael Moser in 2005. The label releases works by such renowned minimalist artists as Steve Roden, Richard Chartier, Roel Meelkop, Bernhard Günter and others.

Heribert Friedl

About the Artist