školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Daniel Teruggi - Sound Archives and composition for spacial sound

Electroacoustic presentation of GRM Archive of Music Concrete
Fri 7.5. - 22:00

Daniel Teruggi will present a 90 minute talk and concert on an 8 channel sound system surounding the audience, on the history of GRM studios - pioneers and founders of musique concrete.

Composer and researcher Daniel Teruggi works since 1981 in National Audiovisual Institute in Paris and in Musical Research Group, founded by Pierre Schaeffer in 1958. He is the Director of the GRM since 1997 as well as director or the Research department in Ina since 2001. He is author of nearly 80 compositions, using electroacoustic devices with or without acoustic instruments and published numerous research articles related to sound and musical perception as well as musical analysis. His music has been performed in more than 30 countries and published in different CD collections. Teruggi compositions for fixed media (tape), small instrumental groups and tape, or real-time processing of instruments focus on the relationships between creation and technology, and on problems related to sound perception.In recent years he has been actively working on the preservation of audiovisual collections and particularly the case of electroacoustic music. He has been the coordinator of the FP6 European project PrestoSpace. Teaching at the Sorbonne University or as visiting professor in Hertforshire (GB), guest professor at TU Berlin and Universidad 3 de Febrero (Arg).

The event is organized in collaboration with FAMU in the framework of TransISTor workshop - a multidisciplinary training initiative organized by CIANT - International Centre for Art and New Technologies.