školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Lomography Workshop

Fri 18.2. - 19:00

What is Lomography and all we need to start? Lomography workshop will be led by photographer Michaela Procházková. She will introduce various types of cameras and techniques commonly used in lomography and present some of here work on Lomo platform.

Workshop participants will have opportunity to try individual camera, develop b/w negatives and scan indiviual frames into jpeg files.

Lomo photos from the workshop on www.skolska28.cz/lomo, all in one (full-res scan, zip).

Entry Fee: 50 Kč

Lomography Workshop


Dílna Lomografie
Dílna Lomografie
Dílna Lomografie
Dílna Lomografie
Dílna Lomografie
Dílna Lomografie
Dílna Lomografie