školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Main Gallery

Przemysław Jasielski - The Opportunity

robotic installation in the space
Mon 16.5. - 20:00

Science constructs countless mental frames which are accepted and transformed by practise. Technology - as an extension of science - provides many sophisticate devices to explore both near and distant worlds. How much are we aware of the fact, that the way we are observing the Universe, (as a notion of our imagination), becomes more and more determined by such apparatus and procedures?

The Opportunity project is an attempt to play with such framework, which is not necessarily compatible with the notion of reality we are observing directly. The concept of this project was inspired by Opportunity and Spirit - the twin robotical geologists , launched by NASA toward Mars in 2003 as Mars Exploration Rovers. They safely landed on Mars in January 2004 and are till today searching for traces of water on Mars.

The interior of Skolska 28 Gallery will be explored and captured by two specially constructed robots. Digital images captured during this basically chaotic and uncontrolled expedition (robots will interact with gallery walls, furniture, visitors etc.) will consequently be presented in the space as a sequences of photograps. The gathered data will include coincidences, records of human presence, change of light conditions, found objects, etc. At the opening visitors will have a chance to steer remotely one robot, observing it’s movements live on screen.

The exhibition at Školská 28 gallery has following stages:

May 2− 8 / Initiation, stage setup
May 9−16 / Scanning, gallery explored by robots
May 16, 6pm / Presentation, artist Q&A
May 16−26 / Photographic display

Przemyslaw Jasielski, born 1970, lives and works in Poznan, Poland. He builds installations and elegant sculptural objects that combine art and science in provocative and unexpected ways. His works often incorporate sound and allow for the interaction of the viewer. Important aspect of his recent projects is attmpt to control things which basically remains beyond our control. He constructed The Earth Rotation Speed Control Unit for a solo exhibition in Montreal that was precisely calibrated to affect the rotation of the Earth. He studied sculpture and drawing at the Poznan Academy of Fine Art.

oportunity, galerie view, photo: Przemyslaw Jasielski (2011)

About the Artist 


Przemysław Jasielski - HiFi
Global Warming Control Unit (2010)
Robot1, Przemysław Jasielski, 2011
Global Warming Control Unit (2010)
oportunity, galerie view, foto: Przemyslaw Jasielski (2011)
Global Warming Control Unit (2010)
Global Warming Control Unit (2010)
Global Warming Control Unit (2010)
Sounds of my room (2006)
Drawings (2006)
panorama galerie, foto: Przemyslaw Jasielski (2011)
Przemysław Jasielski - The Opportunity / Příležitost
Przemysław Jasielski - The Opportunity / Příležitost
Przemysław Jasielski - The Opportunity / Příležitost
Przemysław Jasielski - The Opportunity / Příležitost