Open Stage and party at the occassion of the collaborative workshop with students from Hochshule fur Kunst und Design, Karlsruhe and students or Prague art schools.
Program: preliminary.
RAFZAM (aka Adam Rafinski & Marco Zampella)
“Lost in Me“ duration: ca. 10 min
„Lost in Me“
Gschroamei (aka Amos Unger, Barbara Trost & David Loscher), amosungerbarbaratrostdavidloscher,
audio-visual performance, fully digitally remastered, duration: ca. 10 min
PFLUSTER_3 (aka Sebastian Tröger)
means enjoying experiments and getting fun out of improvisation. It is being looped, screwed, plucked and danced. Percussive, but not necessarily rhythmical; tonal but not necessarily melodic, duration: ca. 10 min
(aka Frank Bierlein, Lukas Fütterer, Andreas Goralczyk und David Loscher)
duration: ca. 30 min
The Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) was opened 1992. Between 1989 and 1992, it was established as the University and the Center for Art and Media (ZKM). This unique connection between academic, research and exhibiting institution corresponds to the new artistic and educational assignment, to apply traditional arts on media technologies and electronic manufacturing processes.
Unlike other Universities, the programs of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design require interdisciplinary studies. For students of the theory-programs, it is mandatory to choose one practice-program. For students of the practice programs, it is obligatory to take course in either Art Research and Media Theory or Philosophy and Aesthetics as a minor subject.
The Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design’s four practice-programs are open programs that allow intense references to other programs and contain various accentuations, depending on the emphases of research and development of the involved Teachers. The media theoretical analysis interfuses the experience-oriented programs and on the other side the media theoretical and art historical education is substantiated through a direct experience-oriented reference.