školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Workshop Concert

Under Our Thumb: Michael Delia/Kevin Nathaniel Hylton/Jez riley French

How to build and play DIY musical instruments
Fri 18.11. - 18:00

Three days workshop on musical instrument construction led by three prolific musicians, sound experimentators and instrument builders: Michael Delia (famous for his DIY mbiras and experimental instruments) accompanied by field recordings legend Jez riley French and New York based musician and educator Kevin Nathaniel Hylton.


Friday: 5 pm: Introduction to the mbira and materials with a informal lecture about it's history and diversity. Begin to organize materials for building -

Saturday: starting at 10 am - building of the instruments,

7.30 pm Jez riley French lecture on Intuitive Music

I am fascinated and passionate about the infinite detail and expanding vistas of life around us, its sights and sounds, often overlooked or hidden. My creative output focuses on this never ending, joyous exploration via intuitiv composition, conventional & extended field recording techniques, photography & photographic scores. The music / sound I create has evolved from improvisation to what I prefer to term 'intuitive composition' and has increasingly involved elements such as a love of audible silence & quietude & the empathy of compositional lines. These evolved from my need to always remain open to my emotive, intuitive response to situations & environments’

Sunday - 10 am: Building and exploring amplification of the instrument acoustically and electric, afternoon: concert with Hylton and Delia as duo Kalimbutu and a presentation/perfomance of new instruments at 3 pm.

Workshop fee: CZK 800 (students CZK 600)

includes workshop fee and all materials and free entry to Sun. Tierce/S.Ferrian live concert.

Sign in with Michael Delia at mdelia@volny.cz.

Entry Fee: 800 Kč – Reduced: 500 Kč