školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Polychrom Praha Ursound

musical newbaptist performance
Sun 5.2. - 11:00

On the occasion of the CD release Favourite sounds of Praha you are welcome to visit wholesale musical event, between 11 AM and 8 PM.

73 minutes exploring the sound of everyday Prague, published by the engravedglass label from UK in cooperation with Skolska Gallery and Mlok with 25 recordings by Peter Cusack, John Grzinich, Jez riley French, Milos Vojtechovsky, Michal Kindernay, Lloyd Dunn, Stanislav Abraham, Udo Noll & Matthew Sansom, curated by Jez riley French, selected by MV.

"Prague is certainly one of the most visually uncompromising cities I know and like many historical places there can be an imbalance with its audible environment. Yet in all my visits to Prague the sounds I find remain remarkably diverse, much like its landscape. A unique architectural passage is always around the corner and one is never far from a large park to escape the urban streets...." John Grzinich

The tracks on this CD were selected from a sprawling collection of several hundred field recordings, mostly collected under the aegis of Peter Cusac's sonography project Favourite Sounds. It is a collaborative initiative set up to capture the sonic geography of the quickly transforming soundscape of Prague. Peter Cusack and Miloš Vojtěchovský invited artists, musicians, and students from the Czech Republic and abroad to contribute to the ongoing web database, with the result being many dozens of submitted sounds from dozens of contributors. To select the “right” sounds for the CD was a difficult job and, in a way, the collection as presented was assembled by chance, and the tracks can just as well be played in shuffle mode. Each track tells a different story, relating the recordists’ varying techniques and strategies, and each location resounds with its own specific character. There are quite a few industrial sounds, especially railroads, since train traffic seems to be audible almost anywhere in Prague. So it becomes a bit of a challenge, then, to present a completely different audio perspective of Prague; focusing instead, for example, on birds, water, underground or sacred spaces, and the like.

Prague, like any other big city, offers -- besides the ubiquitous industrial hum -- a rich variety of different ambiences and locations, each specific to the exact place you stand now and the individual’s capacity to hear it. The city seems, then, like a living and speaking super-organism, driven by changing scores of multiple sonic lines. The perpetual flow of musique concrete is modulated by wandering among the city’s innumerable spaces and enclosures. A pedestrian leaves behind a busy commercial street or a underground stairway and emerges on the river bank, or enters a passage or a park, or clambers up into attics, rooftops, and towers, finally descending into the entrails of the city. Then the musical cacophony of the city may dissolve slowly in turn among the fine and evolving textures of sonic micro-narratives, images and motifs, each interacting freely with the other. At night, when the level of traffic fades to a soft roar, it is suddenly easier to detect the underlying fabric of almost subliminal noises, hidden by day in the ebbless drone of airplanes, cars, trains, honking vehicles, and other distractions.

For the session all musicians participating on the CD anthology are welcome and all other musicians as well.

Petr Vrba, Petr Nikl, Petr Ferenc, Jaroslav Kořán, Tomáš Procházka, John Grzinich, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Lloyd Dunn, Givan Béla a Lenka Dolanová, Michal Kindernay, Martin Janíček, Michael Delia, George Cremaschi, Ken Ganfield, Michal Zbořil and others.

broadcast by radio lemurie

lemurie on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free

Small refreshment included.

the event is a small tribute to 100th birthday of John Cage.

live broadcast radio lemurie taz