školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Performance Screenlab

Jan Kulka / Georgij Bagdasarov / SeEun Lee, Ken Ganfield, Petr Vrba

Live a-v
Thu 29.3. - 21:30

Skolska 28s ScreenLab is proud to present a premiere performance of Lee/Ganfield/Vrba trio (electronics/trpm/projection), latest VGA chipset hacks by Georgij Bagdasarov and a dream machine performance of Jan Kulka's Magic Box.

SeEun Lee / Ken Ganfield / Petr Vrba

Audiovisual, electroacoustic and mechanical exploration of improvisational relationships
SeEun Lee is using magnets, minerals, particles and other physical objects to interpret sounds into images. On the other hand Ganfield and Vrba convert electronic (synthesazors) and acoustic (wind instruments) streams into sound part of the magical dance of magnets. They can dance toward or away from each other. On a large scale, there's the Earth's gravitational attraction. On a smaller scale, iron filings draw out patterns shaped by magnets. Using the polarity of magnets, Lee draws out the relationships of everyday objects.

George Bagdasarov

Born in Kazahstan in Armenian family. Started to study Cybernetics at Technical University, continued with Composition at Music Academy in Moscow and finally graduated Film School in St. Petersburg. Started music carrier as guitarist in psychedelic punk band, developed through conceptual techno to free improvisation based on the stuff collected on flea markets all around the world. Played and recorded in different collaboration with jazz, noise, electronic, etc musician Richard Deutsch, Jerome Noetinger, Yoshio Mashida, Les Halmes, Dill, Yutaka Makino, DJ Sniff, Nikolay Rubanov, Fitz Ellarald etc...

Jan Kulka

Inspired by 19th century visual experiemnts of a czech scientist J. E. Purkyne, Jan Kulka constructed a new kind of "dream machine", which can demostrate optical effects of Purkne as well as to create various form of stroboscopic image.

Entry Fee: 80 Kč – Reduced: 60 Kč