školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Benefit Auction

Cambodian School Project
Sat 8.9. - 19:00

The school is built in the village of Tampoeung, 24 miles north of Siem Reap. It is built on land where Sarith’s family home once stood, burned down by the Khmer Rouge. It is satisfying to see this site be turned into a school, to help this village construct a building that expresses hope for the future on the ruins of their difficult past. Some of the palm trees that were on that land were planted by Sarith when he was a boy.

We are now (at the end of 2011) finishing building our fifth school. This is a different kind of school from what we have built before, a technical school rather than an elementary school. Like our school in Sarith’s village, it came into being as a memorial. This technical school, JHP Skola, memorializes two remarkable people in the Czech Republic. This couple, Janka and Honza Pfeiffer, mentored boy and girl scouts decades ago, during the repressive communist regime in Czechia. Taking young scouts to their cabin in the hills, they provided a more complete and humanistic view of life, separately and secretly from the empty propaganda they were being taught in the public schools at that time. These former scouts, now in their 50’s, have funded the building of our 5th school to memorialize their beloved benefactors, the Janka Honza couple.

This school is being built in the town of Pouk, some 12 km. west of Siem Reap. It is a technical school for those who do not wish to go to high school. Students here can learn a trade that will allow them to open a small business in their village or find work in town. We will provide micro-loans for students who finish the course and wish to become entrepreneurs. In the evening, the school will serve as a dormitory for students from remote villages too far away to commute so they can attend high school in town.

Benefiční dražba určená na podporu provozu střední technické JHP školy v kambodžském Puoku. Škola byla postavena v roce 2011 na počest skautských vůdců Janky a Honzy Pfeifferových, kteří v roce 1968 oddíl Kruh založili, k jejich životním jubileům z finančních prostředků shromážděných členy několika generačních vrstev Kruhu a dalšími přáteli společně s podporou americko-kambodžské nadace Cambodian School Project. Škola poskytuje v současné době odborné vzdělání v oboru angličtina, počítače a šití, a dává tak šanci nadaným chudým mladým venkovanům k lepšímu uplatnění.

Benefiční dražba nabídne obrazy, kresby, grafické listy, fotografie a užité předměty vytvořené profesionály i amatérskými výtvarníky z okruhu Kruhu a jeho přátel. Cílem je získat finance na podzimní provoz jhp školy, neboť není podporována ze státních zdrojů. Srdečně zveme všechny zájemce k účasti, ať už jako kupující, anebo nabídnutím vlastních uměleckých děl k dražbě.

Pořádá Společenství Kruh s podporou Galerie Školská 28.

