školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Electric Protesters

art-technology - DIY workshop Stefanie Wuschitz

Mlok Association, in cooperation with Communication Space Školská 28 and the support of Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague, will run DIY workshop led by Vienna based artist Stefanie Wuschitz.

In this art-technology workshop, Stefanie Wuschitz playfully demystifies technology to open up an atmosphere where learning new technological tools is fearless, interesting and clear. Using a grab bag of materials that include graphite, moss, vegetables, aluminun foil, conductive thread, recycled electronics, motors, microcontrollers and various sensors, participants together create simple reactive systems.

Each participant`s project should in the end function as a little electric protester that is powered by a solar cell. The electric protester is autonomously continuing to voice his/her demands without frustration. On the evening of April 28th all little electric protesters will come together in a joyful public protest action. We will present the electric pieces in small a public event on Sunday evening in Masarykovo nábřeží by gallery Mánes at 6:30 pm.

During the workshop we expect the participant’s energy to be equally spent on learning the basic technical skills used in making interactive technology and exploring new ways of visualizing critique.
While previous programming experience is helpful, it is not required.

The workshop will take place on April 26, 27, 28 all day. Participants are asked to commit their time fully on all three days in order to contribute to the focused, creative working environment the workshop fosters.

Please register by sending an email to: stefanie.wuschitz@gmail.com (in CC to michal@skolska28.cz)
If possible, bring your own laptop to the workshop and try to download the Arduino Environment at:

Entry Fee: 500 Kč