školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Journey to the depth of Standuino

Build and modify your own digital synthesizer fraAngelico

Two day long intensive workshop, where you can build and modify your own digital synthesizer. Musical "Standuino" instruments are based on popular prototype platform Arduino and so they have the same developer's environment, program labguage and powerful help of open source community.

- we will teach you basics in electronics as soldering, basic terminology and in short we will introduce opensource hardware and its possibilities. We will also discuss trends in DIY culture vs "kludge" scene and basics in synthesizer music.

- every participant will take home his own built synthesizer fraAngelico or drum automat frauAngelico or granular sampler microGranny!

Registration: by email with the name of the participant to standuino@gmail.com and in copy michal@skolska28.cz (after agreement it is possible to attend only one or two days of the workshop)

Price: price is exclusively : 1.day 1200 + 2.day 450 = 1650kč , workshop itself covers Školská 28 gallery (participants pay only materials)

take with:
1. day - headphones + 9V battery
2. day - laptop + mini USB cable, headphones, installed software READ HERE!

1. day - Saturday 25.5. start 10:00 - 20:00
- introduction, historical background of Standuino project
- building of fraAngelico instruments
- hardware and software modification for drum automat frauAngelico

2. day - Sunday 26.5. 10:00 - 19:00, at 20:00 concert of participants - Standuino Orchestra
- basic structure od digital music instrument
- archiving of sounds by exchange of the software
- modification of existing softwate for unique functions
- introduction to building your own software using Mozzi library
- introduction "How to use Standuino as an Arduino"

Standuino started as a clone board of popular Arduino but adapted to even more DIY approach of East region (=bastl). With this powerful tool it became part of many art installations and enabled our research team to build prototypes of many different devices most importantly musical instruments.The whole concept of Standuino is inspired and covered by the story of a pioneer of media art - Standa Filip. The name Standuino goes mainly from Standas name but also stands for what Standuino is best at - the standalone applications.

Workshop is supported by Školská 28 and it is also part of Multiplace festival

Standuino - Workshop


Standuino - dílna
Standuino - dílna
Standuino - dílna
Standuino - dílna
Standuino - dílna