školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Alexander Delmar

Resident Artist

Alexandre Delmar (1982) is a graduate of the Oporto Polytechnic with a degree in Communication and Technologies. He works in architectural photography.
His project "Panopticon – Structures of Surveillance and Control" was selected for "Young Creators 2007". Special Mention Prize for "New Talent in Photography 2008", with the project "Ten Portraits, Ten Sculptures". He is holder of a scholarship granted by the "Orient Foundation" for the photographic project "Dharmas" in Kolkatta, India, 2009.

"...with his architectural project, in the late 18th century, Jeremy Bentham set in motion the structures of contemporary society. Panopticon's functional characteristics promote the recognized structures of the networks of relationship and power. The suspense engendered by the capacity to punish should eliminate subjectivities.
Just as in the Panopticon's tower, the non-visibility of the guard is not proof of his absence. On the contrary, it creates in the individual who observes feelings of distrust and uncertainty that impose discipline.
Registering the "guard" depended on his fear and uncertainty. Always asking for his authorization to register him, I established, from the very beginning of the project, the need to understand his reaction when asked. The "guard" always needed authorization of his superior to let himself be photographed. The hierarchical network of power is well defined and needs to be respected, as it was in the prison of the 18th century. The powerful instrument left the prison and hit the street..." (from the Panopticon project)

The residency takes place in cooperation with the Theatre Institute in Prague.

Alexander Delmar



