Artists board - Barbara Benish, Josef Moucha, Matěj Kratochvíl, Miloš Šejn and Miloš Vojtěchovský recommends for the Gallery Komunikační prostor Školská 28 selection from 40 proposals.
1. Monochrom (curator Michal Novotný) - group exhibiiton, Sandra Aubrey and Sebastien Bourg, Didier Courbot, Vincent Ganivet, Amande In, Eric Larsson, Lindsay Lawson, EdenMorfaux,Timur Si-Quin.
2. Krajina poznaná (Jan Prošek and or exhibition project Výlet)
3. Romantické výlety do divočin - curators Josef Daněk and Aneta Soukupová. Josef Daněk. Aneta Soukupová, Vojta Horálek, Kenneth Gordon Hay, Trina Hzun Byun and guests.
4. Návrh na změnu partitury - Jolana Havelková. Audiovisual installation
5. Kamila Ženatá - Pick up Your Phone. Installation, curator Silvie Šeborová
6. Jana Kasalová - Who was the first before the names? Installation, curator Věra Jirousová
7. No Time for Heroes, group exhibiton, curator Susanna Horvatovičová. Martin Zet, Martin Janíček. Danilo Capasso, Christina Costa, Dominka Skutnik, Jaro Dufek
8. Od obrazu ke zvuku - Jana Matulová a Blanka Švédová. Curated project on graphical scores
9. Dreamspace live - Antonio della Marina, Alessadra Zucchi. Audiovisual installation
10. Let's call it a day - Hans W. Koch, Annegret Heinl, Jan Steklík. Performance and installation, curated by: Ludvík Ševeček
11. Glass Music - George Cremaschi a comp. Sound installation, curator: in negotation
12. Vizualismus - Osmdesátá léta. Exhibition project on photograhy during 80s in Československo. curator: Tomáš Pospěch
13. 40 years of videoart in Germany, In coproduction with Goethe Institute, curator: Peter Weibel
14. Przemysław Jasielski - audiovisual installation, curator: Petr Vrba
15. Karmi Dorell a Jennifer Protas - Expanding Mall, video installation, curator Charlota Kotik
Projects offered for Šedý pokoj/Grey Room
První večeře páně Jaroslav Malík - photography
Lesní práce - Petr Stibral - Photography and sculptures
Shingo Inao - Sound works - sound installation
Photography and photograms - David M.C. Miller
Miloš Vojtěchovský, Praha 12.11.2011