školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Tomáš Ruller

Prof. Tomas Ruller, born 1957 Brno, Czech Republic

- 1982 Academy of Fine Arts Prague, MFA sculpture
- media & performance artist
- cofounder of East-West / School of Attention 1983 & Black Market 1985/90
- since 1989 organizing Open Situation / European Project
- active in resistance (Open Dialog 1988) and Velvet Revolution (Civic Forum 1989/90)
- cofounder of FFA UT Brno 1993, 98/2000 as a dean
- from 2004 professor in performance art
- represented by Feldman Gallery, New York
- published at Documenta 8, Kassel 87; Performance-Ritual-Prozess, Prestel 93; Performance 90's, A&D 94; Performance since 1960, Abrams 98; Performance Art, T&H 2001
- performed at P.S.1 & 122 New York., LACE & PØST Los Angeles, Pompidou Paris, Ludwig Forum Aachen, Moltkerei Köln, O.K. Linz, Bauhaus Dessau, Videobiennale Fukui, Biennale Lodž, Biennale Venice, CCA Warsaw, Prague Qadrennial
- festivals Cleveland, San Francisco, Québec, Tel Aviv, Fribourg, Santiago de Compostela, Belfast, Kirschau, Lublin, Gothenburg, Guangzhou, etc.


Tomáš Ruller


Czech Republic


performance, new media, pedagogy