školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

John Grzinich

Resident Artist

Sound and media artist. Born in USA, currently living in Estonia.

Since the early 90s I've been working with various media with a focus on sound. much of this happened through collaborations with fellow explorers in Austin, TX, Seth Nehil, Michael Northam, Olivia Block, Josh Ronsen, Rick Reed and others. But my interest in the fringes of music extened back to the vibrant days college radio programming and friends with keen musical interests during high school.

My output over the years has never found a stadard format and ranges from recording and composing, to making performances, workshops, installations, events etc... I seek personal integration into the work whether it is only myself or with others, which means being fully present from inception to presentation of any form of creative activity. The "art" is then the vehicle for exploring life, learning and the creation of meaningful 'culture', the means by which we commune with others. this approach opens the territory for temporary or long-term, site-specific or contextual work, broadening the scope from mere product into the the wider social and cultural realm.

In 1999 I moved to Ljubljana, Slovenia and worked on various projects there for a year and a half, mainly Ministry of Experiment and hEXPO. since that time I have furthered my strategies of self-production, presentation and documentation with numerous trips around Europe, stretching from the Balkans to the Baltics. I give workshops on digital video versatility, construct site-specific media interventions, and keep up collaborations with various sound and video artists. my current regional concentration is in Estonia where I work with MoKS, an artist-run non-profit art space.

John Grzinich




sound art, music, video