školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Jam Session

Vs. Interpretation

Preliminary Program
Sun 20.7. - 14:00

Školská 28 Gallery is pleased to offer a venue for Vs. Interpretation Festival participants who are interested in performing on the last day of the festival.

We start approximately at 2pm and finish till 9:30pm


Short run exhibition of new drawings by Morgan O'Hara - Live Transmission, which were created during the Vs. Interpretation festival and performance.

10:30am - Workshop for Children
Jenifer Helia deFelice and collective

Preliminary Lineup of the Jam session

14:00 - The Pololáníks + Dimitris Papageorgiou
14:30 - The Pololániks
15:00 - Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen
15:20 - Hearn Gadbois
16:00 - Carl Lindh
17:00 - Michael Delia
18:00 - Salim Washington
19:00 - Zdeněk Konopásek
20:00 - Lindsay Vickery

The Pololániks & Dimitris Papageorgiou

Being a regular five-piece band, then, makes The Pololáníks something of an oddity, along with the fact that the quintet meets for regular garage rehearsals, just like an aspiring indie band would – except, of course, there is no repertoire per se, just an infinitely developing interplay of five distinct musical personalities. The Pololáníks' core instruments are trombone, double bass, recorders, guitar/saxophone/ clarinet and laptop, but other, more peculiar DIY instruments and found objects (e.g. bowed CPU heatsinks) make frequent appearance.

Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen

Hearn Gadbois

Carl Lindh
His main field of interest is listening, site-time specificity, improvisation and methods of documenting ephemeral sonic events . In his live set he primary works with hearing-aid devices, radio, record player and feedback. With this set-up he creates very fragile sonic situations where the space, the people and every single sound become a possible part of the performance. It sometimes move from the very subtle to the chaotic.

Michael Delia
Michael Delia is an artist whose work spans a wide range of disciplines and media. His work has encompassed paintings, sculpture, installations, and sound art as well as music performances.

Salim Washington

Zdeněk Konopásek - improvization

Zdeněk Konopásek was drummer of the early and late 1980s band Dvouletá fáma. Later on he played, e.g., in the Dr. Konopný Quartet (together with Joe Karafiát, Jan Štolba and Radomil Uhlíř) and also collaborated with Oldřich Janota. Currently he is involved in theatrical-musical performances of Divadlo Vizita (Jaroslav Dušek) and also plays drums in the Široko-daleko [Near and far] musical ensemble.

Lindsay Vickery
Lindsay Vickery: Sacrificial Zones (2014)
Sam Gillies: Snowden (2014)
Lindsay Vickery: Murmurs trapped in the Bark (2014)
Cat Hope: Signals Directorate (2014)
Lindsay Vickery: Semantics of Redaction (2014)

Lindsay Vickery is australian composer and performer. His music includes works for acoustic and electronic instruments in interactive-electronic, improvised or fully notated settings, ranging from solo pieces to opera and has been commissioned by numerous groups for concert, dance and theatre.

The Školská 28 Gallery space is about 20 minutes walking distance from the main festival venue (NoD/Roxy).

Details of the venue

The conditions, production team and technical means of the space are limited, so we ask those interested to kindly consider that performances or jam sessions should be kept more or less acoustic and simple.

The event is part of the festival program, and as such, falls within the festival’s promotion.

We ask those interested in performing to send a short description of their performance and a short bio to Michal Kindernay. Please also direct your technical questions there.

We are leaving the schedule open for performances from 3 to 9:30 PM and, because of strong interest in the event, performance time slots will be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes.

Technical means available

2 active speakers Mackie
2 active speakers Yamaha
audiomix Mackie
video projector
3 mic stands

For the full program of the festival, please, visit Agosto Foundation.