školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Anne-Marie Creamer

Resident Artist

British artist Anne-marie Creamer's videos, drawings and objects have often centered on the existence of artifacts or chance encounters, such as the 200 letters Transylvanian exile Mikes Kelemen wrote to his fictitious aunt in the 18th century, her encounter with a group of dancing Székey children in Romania, finding wedding rings in a cup of coffee on a train at Paddington station, London, or an old coat in an abandoned apartment in Bohemia, or procuring the small painting that the fictitious Vladimir Slapeta commissioned from painter Andrew Grassie. All these elements have been included in slyly reflexive & deceptively simple tales, often featuring nameless protagonists who search for lost objects or places that seem forever out of reach.

Her films, drawings and objects collectively form a kind of expanded narrative that tread a line between documentary & fiction, realism & illusion. Interested in story telling & experimental approaches to narrative her films and drawings often feature stories nested within other larger stories forming a larger mise-en-abyme structure within which her cinematic drawings can appear in her films or installations in surprisingly ways, sometimes featuring as an animated sequence, a still, a spatial device, a found object, or an un-realized film.


1985-8 Middlesex University. B.A. Fine Art
1988-90 Royal College of Art. M.A, Fine Art, painting

Awards and Residencies

1990 Basil H. Alkazzi Travelling Scholarship, Greece
1990-2 The Delfina Studios Trust Award, London
1991 Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
1991 The Union of Soviet Art Critics Residency, U.S.S.R- Russia, Latvia, Uzbekistan & the Crimea
1992 European Travel Award, Berlin, The Princes Trust
1993 Artists Bursary, Conference attendance, Arts Council of Great Britain.
1997 Award to Individual Artists, London Arts Board
2001 Go! International Award', London Arts Board
2001 London Arts Development Fund: London Visual Arts Artists Fund, London Arts Board
2003 International-artist-in-residence-award, Center for Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic
2003 Grants for Individuals, Arts Council of England, London
2003 Arts & Humanities Research Council, Small Grants in the Creative & Performing Arts
2003-4 Evelyn Williams Drawing Fellowship, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK

Solo/ Duo Exhibitions (© indicates exhibition catalogue or pamphlet)

2010 Project space, The Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, curated by David Kareyan ©
2006 Flying Through Amber: the last wish of Vladimir Šlapeta, with Andrew Grassie. FORMAT festival, Derby, UK
1999 My Dark Places - Anne-Marie Creamer, Gallery Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan
1995 Interference, James Brook & Anne-Marie Creamer, curated by Alex Farquharson, The Spacex Gallery, Exeter, UK ©


United Kingdom


painting, video