školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Book Launch

An Evening of Celebration

Double Book Launch
Spell Breaking; Remembered Ways of Being; An Anthology of Women's Mysteries by Ione
Anthology of Text Scores by Pauline Oliveros
Mon 21.7. - 20:00

Deep Listening Publications and Galerie Školská 28 present an intimate evening of
words and sounds featuring the latest book releases by Deep Listening Publications. The celebration will include contributing author readings from Spell Breaking; Remembered Ways of Being, an anthology of women’s mysteries edited by Ione.

Writers in Performance

Ximena Alarcon
Sylvie Decaux
Pauline Oliveros
& Rachel Koenig reading from her forthcoming novel of Prague The Raven's Bridge

Ximena Alarcón is interested in exploring interstitial spaces created by migratory experiences, and accessing to these through Deep Listening, sonic performance and improvisation, using networking technologies.

Sylvie Decaux is a teacher, writer and researcher living in Paris. She is currently working on ancestry and heritage.

Rachel Koenig: "In The Raven's Bridge  Koenig uncovers what lies both within and beyond 'magical realism'".

Ione: Author, playwright director and Spiritual teacher, Ione's work focuses on dreams, myth and heritage . Spell Breaking points the way for women's deepest transformations.

Pauline Oliveros (1932) founder and executive director of the Deep Listening Institute, Ltd. also serves as Distinguished Professor of Music at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY.
