školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.
Hole Gallery

Drum Machine Brutalized

Ewa Justka

Ewa Justka (b. 1989, Poland) is an electronic noise artist working with DIY electronics and modifying high voltage devices. She is based in London and currently persues a BA in Sound Arts & Design at the London College of Communication.

Justka’s main field of research is based on exploration of materiality of objects, vibrant, ontological systems (human bodies, the bodies of plants, electronic circuits: varied range of micro and macro environments and relation between them) and an investigation of modes of quasi-direct perception through noise performance actions, interactive installation, hardware hacking, circuit bending, accordion stretching, plants-molesting, breaking, deconstructing and collaborating. In her artistic work Ewa attempts to explore the concept of physicality of objects through creation of an instant interactions between them.