školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

KontrA2punkt 2014

Vol. 3 of the post-genre music festival
Location: Kokpit Kafé

On September 14 and 15 at the Kokpit kafé in Prague: the third volume of the post-genre music festival KontrA2punkt. Organized by A2 magazine together with the KLaNGundKRaCH collective, the festival is a showcase of both foreign and local musical hybrids and connections outside the established Czech music environment featuring: Datashock, dd Kern & Petr Vrba, Pretty Lightning a Ormo, Spill, Fusiller, Krapoola and the Bird People.

The festival is supported by the Czech Ministry of Culture and is produced in collaboration with Asociace Mlok, Komunikační prostor Školská 28 and the promotional collectives KLaNGundKRaCH and Letmo.

Concerts begin at 7.30 PM at the Kokpit kafé, street address: Pod Bruskou 2, Praha 1, near Metro Malostranská.

Entry fee: 150 Kč (one day) /200 Kč (two days).