školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Jorge Espinal & Orquestra de Guitarra Locas

guitar improvisation
Mon 13.10. - 19:30

Jorge Espinal is Peruvian guitarist/improviser, active in the Buenos Aires free improvisation and experimental music scene. He has a deep interest in sound and believes in error as a creative source. He usually works with prepared guitar.
In second part of the evening other guitarists currently residing in Prague will join Jorge for collective guitar improvisation (Bagdasarov/Espinal/Losada/Procházka/Mikyska/Alaçam).

Entry Fee: 80 Kč – Reduced: 60 Kč

Jorge Espinal


Jorge Espinal & Orquestra de Gitarra Locas performanece

Jorge Espinal & Orquestra de Gitarra Locas performanece

Jorge Espinal & Orquestra de Gitarra Locas performanece

Jorge Espinal & Orquestra de Gitarra Locas performanece

Jorge Espinal & Orquestra de Gitarra Locas performanece

Jorge Espinal & Orquestra de Gitarra Locas performanece

Jorge Espinal & Orquestra de Gitarra Locas performanece