školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Jean-François Laporte & Tilzer/Hanousek/Manolov trio

Wed 12.11. - 19:30

Jean-François Laporte: Ritual for FlyingCan

As a Canadian artist, Jean-François Laporte has been an active member of the contemporary art's scene since the mid-1990's. He pursues a hybrid approach integrating visual arts and sound exploration. Taking an intuitive approach to create music, Laporte learns art through concrete experimentation on matter. His unique artistic vision relies on an active listening of each sound, object, material, etc. Thus his art is the result of working in complicity with raw material , proposing constructions born of each material he explores. His work is characterized by a large diversity of sound sources, aesthetic quality concerns, as well as an undeniable peculiarity.

The FlyingCan is an aerophone we twirl in the air. This musical instrument is comprised of an aluminum can on which is cutting an opening in the direction of its length. This opening, wile oriented correctly allows air to enter the interior of the can which has the effect of placing it in vibration. A small fin is attached to the side of the can in order to control the orientation of the aperture relative to the ground. The can is also crossed at each end by a metal rod that allows the instrument to remain continuously in the correct position. One end of this rod is attached to a cord. The other end of the cord is held in the hand of the player.

By rotating the instrument above the head, is caused to enter the FlyingCan vibrating. The resulting sound varies depending on the speed and the angle of the instrument relative to the ground. And have come to generate a large register sounds, stream sounds, roaring, hooting, singing, whistling, making it possible to fully explore the audible spectrum.

Tilzer/Hanousek/Manolov trio

Tilzer met Hanousek and Manolov in the project Wet Hands, which connected dance, water sounds and music. Wet Hands performed at several festivals, among others in Vienna and New York (Moving Sounds Festival). In the formation without the dancer the improvisors concentrate more on the elements music and sound. The fundamental musical concept is one of a variety of alterations of the sounds of water (water dripping, water splashing, water being poured, water being stirred...) coupled with the diversity of dynamic sounds of guitar and saxophone. The open improvisation offers space for a variety of attitudes and faces ranging from gentle colors to very expressive elements.

Florian Tilzer: water sounds
Radim Hanousek: soprano saxophone
Ivan Manolov: guitar, effects

Florian Tilzer
Tyrolean musician and dancer living in Prague. Listening to water sounds in free nature inspired him to invite the element water on stage as a further musician and to enter into a creative dialogue with it. This year he founded together with Tanja Ebeling (D) Duo Praesens and created with her the multimedial shamanic performance Simply Intention. He was a member of the Brno based dance company Filigrán, played the prepared piano in the trio Chorovod and cooperated with many other artists (Ivan Palacký, Jennifer Helia DeFelice, Christoph Pajer, Pierre Nadaud, Ioanna Mona Popovici …).

Radim Hanousek
Currently he dedicates himself among others to the Norwegian-Czech Jazz project NOCZ with Didrik Ingvaldsen (at present the cd NOCZ & Iva Bittová is being published) and his own project Dust in the Groove connecting Jazz and contemporary music. He is a member of the Dunami Ensemble, an association of composers of contemporary music, and studies Jazz, composition and contemporary music on the Janaček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno.

Ivan Manolov
He played in the mid 90s with the renewed Brno based Rock band Progres 2 and was at the same time active in the band Drunk president. Manolov began to dedicate himself to Jazz and plays now with different bands such as Děti kapitána Morgana (The Children of Captain Morgan), DG 307, Samamba, Das Kuckucksei, Groove or Die or with the singer Minach. He also plays with the Ivan Manolov Trio and with Pavel Zajíček.

Entry Fee: 80 Kč – Reduced: 60 Kč