školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Mikulášské ZvukoHraní III.

Production of simple musical instruments & children's concert
Sat 6.12. - 10:00

Come see how you can transform ordinary objects into musical instruments. You will be able to build, for example: guitars from biscuit or a match boxes, percussion instruments and drums from cans of lentils, peas, chickpeas and beans. You can bring your sticks, rods, sticks, boxes, polystyrene etc. All material will be available at the workshop. Together we learn these unconventional instruments to play and create an "Kids Spasm Band" . You can then come to play at Školská lantern procession, which runs through Dec. 18 (also a lantern workshop then).

Workshop designed for children 5 to 13 years .

Schedule: 10:00 to 12:30 p.m. (first part of the workshop)
lunch / break
2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (second part of the workshop)
16:30 (concert)

It is necessary to register at: michal@skolska28.cz. Places limited to 12.

Entry Fee: 80 Kč
