školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Eva Baumann

Eva Baumann studied classical dance at the ballet academy of Stuttgart (John-Cranko-Schule) and at the Higher Institute of Performing Arts in Frankfurt/Main. At the Rotterdam Dance Academy she studied modern/contemporary dance as well as choreography. She performed various dance styles, ranging from neo classic to modern/contemporary work. She has also experience with dance theatre and (structured) improvisation performances, in theatres as well as on location.
In the Netherlands she worked a.o. with choreographers such as Sjoerd Vreugdenhil, Paul Selwyn Norton and the Magpie Music Dance Company, Amsterdam. In Germany she worked with choreographer Katja Erdmann-Rajski, with French Vincent Dunoyer, Brussels (former dancer with Ultima Vez and Rosas) and currently with Scottish choreographer Colette Sadler throughout Europe

Besides being a dancer in others´ work she creates since a couple of years her own work, mostly solo work in collaboration with other art disciplines from the field of music, video and most recently Dutch photographer Caroline Grijsen. In the Netherlands her work has been shown a.o. at Dansateliers Rotterdam, Korzo Theatre Den Haag and at the CaDance Festival in 2006. She had been invited to festivals in Germany and Lithuania.
In 2003 she was awarded with a grant by Dutch Prins Bernhard Culutuurfonds. She received several scholarships, 2008 from the Arts Foundation of the German District Baden- Württemberg, Stuttgart.

Eva Baumann



