školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Radana Lencová

My activities include graphic design as well as visual experiments combining light, typography and dance. I graduated from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, where I studied in Professor Jan Solpera's studio of typography (1994-2000). From 2002 to 2005 I worked with the topic of „Calligraphy Today - Handwriting“ as the focus of my PhD study at AAAD in Prague. The work resulted in a number of independent works, such as a new lettertype, „Comenia Script“, or a book, „Interviews on Handwriting“. In addition to producing non-commissioned work I cooperate primarily with Svet Publishers.


Radana Lencová


Czech Republic

