školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Magma, Springs and Bugs

Eric Leonardson
Brane Zorman
Petr Nikl
Wed 17.6. - 19:00

Concert is part of minisymposium LISTENING AROUND THE CORNER which will take place the next day June 18th from 6 to 9.30 at Tranzitdisplay Gallery.

Eric Leonardson: Solo for Springboard

The Springboard is an experimental instrument to explore the sonic potential of coil springs and other readily available materials. The inaudible vibrations of these materials are amplified by a single very affordable piezo disc contact microphone. When played with cello bows and homemade friction mallets, it produces extraordinary sounds that belie the humble origins of these materials.

Eric Leonardson is a Chicago-based composer, radio artist, sound designer, instrument inventor, improvisor, visual artist, and teacher. He has devoted the majority of his professional career to unorthodox approaches to sound and its instrumentation with a broad understanding of texture, atmosphere and microtones. Leonardson is Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Sound at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, President of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, founder and co-chair of the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology, and co-founder and Executive Director of the World Listening Project.

Brane Zorman: Hidden Materia

Sound performance/electro-acoustic composition for two computers, several networked iPads, controllers and a video projection audio work for broadcast (stereo), installation or live performance.

The sound composition and performance Hidden Materia (2014) is inspired by and conceived as an ongoing journey of the raw, liquid, vivid force of terrestrial magma carrying an unparalleled, hidden amount of energy and threat. Before coming to rest on the earth’s surface, before its liberation and emergence from the core below, it goes through several transformations, where all three states of matter collide and interact in an apocalyptic chemical synthesis. The last phase in the stabilization and formation of solid matter on the surface takes place through unpredictable eruptions, explosions and the dispersal of gases, molten metal, water, air, and steam.

Brane Zorman (Slovenia) works with ready-made images, video clips and databases from the web and private collections. From photos and recorded data he creates and manipulates live and pre-recorded sound sculptures and sequences that relate to the colors, intensity of light, contrast and shapes in the manipulated visual materials. He transforms visual representations of lava eruptions and flows (lines, points, cracks) through a sequencer score on a photo canvas using NI Reaktor, MetaSynth 5, Live 9 and M4L devices.

Featuring: Petr Nikl - Cockroaching – Beetle Works

Kinetic-sound-visual performance. Robo-bugs dance seemingly chaotic pattern around their shepherd.

Petr Nikl is an intermedia artist with roots in the fine and applied arts. His work is as confident and compelling when expressed through the means of traditional fine art techniques as when it takes the forms of artist books, interactive projects, and performance-based improvised actions, theatre and music performances. His ability to freely combine all of the different manifestations and techniques and to develop them further through the use of the principles of play, which the artist perceives as a creative means for understanding the world, is remarkable and groundbreaking. Petr Nikl is not an artist of grand and exalted gestures but rather one of unbridled imagination.

Evening and symposium is supported and organized in collaboration with the Agosto Foundation.
Eric Leonardson

Eric Leonardson


Brane Zorman

Brane Zorman

Petr Nikl

Petr Nikl