školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Michal Kindernay

Michal Kindernay (1978) is an intermedia artist, working with interactive connections of sound, image, and other inputs, in an environment of interactive computer applications designed for work with sound and image, such as Max and Pure Data. He uses them largely as open and interactive composition systems, helping him define the form of his work using an algorithm affecting various parameters of his audio-visual compositions in real time. His previous works include both video performances and installations, and interactive Internet-based projects (It's fun to be bohemian, 2007, with Lenka Dolanová); he frequently collaborates with sound artist Guy van Belle. Member of Yo-Yo, OKNO and Society of Alogorithm. Graduated from FAVU, Brno and currently studium at Film and Television Faculty at AMU, Prague.


Michal Kindernay


Czech Republic


audio, video, performance