školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Lignite Clouds - Sound and Environment Workshop with Peter Cusack

Location: Most Basin (Horní Jiřetín, Libkovice, Most)

Location: Most Basin (Horní Jiřetín, Libkovice, Most), AccommodationJezeří Chateau, Mariánské Radčice

Outline: The two-day workshop will focus on the sound environments around the brown coal industry in Most Basin (North Bohemia). We will use both listening and making field recordings. We will also use photography and writing to compare the differences between the sound, visual and language perspectives on the area.

Program and workshop outcomes: Day 1: We will visit a number of local places to record, photograph and talk to people there. The places including the coal face of a mine where the machines are working, the village of Horní Jiřetín that is under threat of disappearance because of mine expansion, Libkovice that disappeared because of mine expansion, lakes created by mining and the church at Most, which, some decades ago, was moved from it’s original location to save it from demolition. Day 2: After the visits we will discuss the material recorded and how they could be used creatively in the future.

About sonic journalism: Recent projects of Peter Cusack have explored the practice of “sonic journalism“—the audio equivalent of photojournalism. Sonic journalism is based on the idea that valuable information about places and events is revealed through their sounds and that careful listening will give insights different from, but complimentary to, visual images and language.

Lecturer: Peter Cusack works as a field recordist with a special interest in environmental sound and acoustic ecology. Projects include community arts, researches into sound and our sense of place and documentary recordings in areas of special sonic interest (Lake Baikal, Siberia). His project Sounds From Dangerous Places explores soundscapes at sites of major environmental damage - Chernobyl exclusion zone; Caspian oil fields; UK nuclear sites. He initiated the Favourite Sound Project in London 1998. It aims to discover what people find positive about their everyday sound environment and has since been carried out in Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Chicago, Prague and Birmingham. He lectures in Sound Arts & Design at the London College of Communication and is currently a DAAD artist in residence in Berlin.

Organiser: Školská 28 Gallery (DEAI/Setkání) The workshop is organized by Školská 28 Gallery (DEAI/Setkání) as part of a bigger, transnational project called Frontiers of Solitude (www.frontiers-of-solitude.org/ ), supported from the EEA Grants (Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) through the programme CZ06 Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Art.

Equipment to bring: sound recorder, microphone, good shoes, rain coats, sleeping bag.

Further information: For further information please contact Miloš Vojtěchovský: milos[at]skolska28.cz

Registration: The number of participants is limited (max. 15). In case of interest interested, please send a short motivation letter in English (ca 900 characters) to the following e-mail addresses: Dasas[at]email.cz, milos[at]skolska28.cz

The deadline for registration 25th August 2015

About the Artist 


Zámek Jezeří a Lom ČSA, Foto: Martin Mach Ondřej, Ekolist

Zámek Jezeří a Lom ČSA, Foto: Martin Mach Ondřej, Ekolist