školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Ian Helliwell

An audio-visual artist operating from his current hq in Brighton since 1991. His work encompasses short experimental films, shown at festivals worldwide, and the composition of electronic music with instruments he designs and builds himself.

On occasions he performs live with the Hellisizer 2000 and exhibits his creations in galleries.
For many years he has devised multi-projector light-show projections for concerts and club spaces, with his collection of handmade and found slides, optical wheels and super 8 film.
He is a curator and collector with a special interest in early electronic music, world`s fairs and abstract film. He runs workshops, assembles themed programmes for film festivals, and creates pieces for radio including Expo 67 - A Radiophonic Collage and the ongoing series, The Tone Generation.


Ian Helliwell


United Kingdom

