školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Seiko Mikami,

Seiko Mikami, artist and professor at Tama Art University. Showing installations themed on "information society and the human body" since 1984, I set myself to be based in New York in the 90's, exhibiting works in galleries and art museums mainly in the US and Europe. It was 1991 when my first audience-participatory interactive art piece "Pulse BEATS" was unveiled at P3 Art & Environment. Later, I made various media art installations incorporating human perception including eye tracking project "molecular Informatics" (Canon ARTLAB, 1996), acoustic sense and an inner body sound piece (ICC's permanent correction, 1997), tactile 3D perception piece (New York, 1998), and "gravicells" on the theme of the gravity called the 6th consciousness (YCAM 204).

"Desire of Codes" was exhibited at Kulturhuset (Stockholm Sweden, 2005-2006), and later went on a tour to Germany in 2007, England in 2008, and France in 2008. For this exhibition at YCAM, the latest version is showcased with 2 additional new pieces. Of those, 2 pieces will be exhibited at RUHR ISEA in Dortmund of European Capital of Culture from July 30 to September 5, 2010, while another piece will be exhibited at Künstlerhaus in Wien from August 8 to September 20, and then will go on a tour to Europe.

Seiko  Mikami,




artist, professor