školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Jedinečné svatopěstitelské družstvo

JSD - The Peerless Brotherhood of the Holy Nurture is the name of one of the activities of David and Martina Kouteckých. Other abbreviations refer to the Universal Psychiatric Church 316a (UPSYCH 316a) in Kuřivody or the General Staff of the Spirit (GŠD). These communities are governed by carefully canonized and well tried rules. Their Bureau and regular members fulfill all sorts of ceremonies, grow their own hagiography and practice pathophysical, experimental metaphysically structured events. Through diverse achievements are active in the contemporary art scene.

JSD was founded the night of January 12, 2001 with the goal to nurture and support by all means the Reason and the Cause – Mr. Miláček - The Young Holy, Greatest Artist and the Biggest Love and to nurture and evolvement of Holiness generally. To secure the operation of JSD there was gradually and naturally created an extensive and continually extending bureaucratic apparatus based on numerous executive sections, departments and committees.

The JSD’s Brotherhood life is peerless. Though peerless, it follows two aims:
1] Prosperity and happiness of Mr. Miláček – The Young Holy
2] Personal holiness in all forms, according to God’s wish: “Be holy, since I am holy!"

These two aims are followed in three ways:
I. Public
II. Private
III. Cooperative – Brotherhood

In these three ways it moves with four methods:
a) Cult
b) Preaching
c) Artistic
d) Working

Through a combination of all these methods and ways the twelve categories of the activities of JSD have emerged, for which Mr. Milacek – The Young Holy has constituted original graphic symbology.


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