školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Al Margolis

Al Margolis (USA) is a musician, composer and producer from New York. His art activity got a spur in the 80-s in the American cassette underground by means of his label "Sounds Of Pig Music". He works with XI Records, Mutable Music, Pogus Production. Since early 80-s (under the names If, Bwana) known as a performer and publisher of experimental music.

Since the Eighties, Al Margolis has earned himself an international reputation as a vanguard for experimental music, running the indie cassette label Sound of Pig Music. Among the label's diverse and thrilling offerings, you will find numerous releases by Margolis (under the identity: If, Bwana), wherein he explores a plethora of sonic experiments, transforming conventional sounds into uncanny otherness, and even finding ways to distort unconventional distortions. His music has succeeded in fusing ambience with industrial and musique concrete, producing strange soundscapes that are both soothing and unnerving, often at the same time.

In the Nineties, Margolis evolved the Sound of Pig label into Pogus Productions, replacing the cassette medium with compact disk technology. His own sonic pursuits have matured too, growing ever stranger and more daring.

Al Margolis



