školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Marcus Bergner

Born 1956 in Melbourne, Australia; and has for long periods of time resided in London and Rome. Awarded a Diploma of Fine Art (Painting) from the Victorian College of the Arts. Due to the friendly guidance and intervention of the Swiss artist Dieter Roth was a student and guest artist at the Braunschweig Art Academy in Germany, 1981-83 (experimental film/painting classes).

Has made over twenty experimental films, which have been screened extensively in Australia, Europe and America. Including screenings at: The Arsenal, Berlin; The George Pompidou Centre/ Light Cone, Paris; Lux Centre, London; The German Film Museum, Frankfurt; Millennium Workshop/The Robert Beck Memorial Cinema, New York; The Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw and at M.O.C.A, Sydney. Various films are represented in collections, archives and libraries in France, Germany and Australia.

Since the mid 80’s has worked extensively with Arf Arf, an Australian sound poetry/ performance art group and whose collaborative art work has included: the writing and staging of over a hundred individual performances in a variety of spatial locations/ contexts; the production of an experimental documentary film based on their performance work; two large performance/exhibition tours to eight European countries; publication of a number of audio/ visual collections and the production of a series of radio art programs.

Currently is engaged in a PhD research project, through Melbourne University and the Victorian College of the Arts; and which will examine various links and points of cross-fertilization between experimental film and recent contemporary art practice, new aesthetic theory and experimental literary works.

Marcus Bergner




film, video, sound poetry