školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Scott Billings

Resident Artist

Scott Billings’ practice explores the mimetic relationship between the technological apparatus and corporeality. Often employing his own body and figures of animals, Scott makes moving images and moving objects which reside somewhere between cinema and automata. Irreducible to laws of motion, the represented body and the machine which drives the spectral body seeks to evince the spurious thresholds of man/animal, body/mind, animate/inanimate. By illuminating the animality of the cinematic machine, his work attempts to register an embodied spectatorship: one which prompts an interrogation of the device - the source of the moving illusion - while activating the viewer’s body within the space.

Scott Billings holds an MFA from the University of British Columbia, a BFA from Emily Carr University, and a BASc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He works and lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada.



2009 Emixer, Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, BC and Interrobang, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver
Signal and Noise Festival, VIVO (Video In Video Out) Vancouver
The Unexpected and Unpredictable, Elliott Louis Gallery, Vancouver
City Shorts, Van City Theatre, Film Festival, Vancouver
2008 Being There & Elsewhere, Organ Gallery, Chongqing, China
2007 Rad∙i∙cle, Canvas Gallery, Vancouver and Point of View, Media Gallery, Vancouver
Enablers, Concourse Gallery Vancouver
2006 Visceral, Concourse Gallery, Vancouver and Perception and Depiction, Concourse Gallery, Vancouver
Painted, Subeez Gallery, Vancouver

Scholarships and Awards:
2009 Andrew Macintosh Book Prize, University of British Columbia
2008 SSHRC CGSM Scholarship (Joseph Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships), University of British Columbia
BC Arts Council Graduate Scholarship, University of British Columbia
2007 MFA Graduate Entrance Scholarship, University of British Columbia
2006 Helen Pitt Award, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design
Friends of Sculpture Award, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design
2004 Mary Catherine Gordon Memorial Scholarship, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design
Friends of Emily Carr Award, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design

Scott  Billings




video, installation