školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Danilo Capasso

lives and works in Naples. He is architect, designer, artist, curator. He spend last six years researching relations among art, public space and urban transformations. Photography, urban installations, Internet and design are the privileged media in his artistic production. His last artwork in urban space is Portoallegro Bank Marina, created in the framework of the exhibition Urbanism 2009 (Liverpool, UK), financed with a residency of European Biennial Network Residency Program.As cultural curator, he has a strong experience and interest in digital arts and new media, with a specific practice in electronic music. From 2002 to 2005 he was curator of Sintesi International Festival of Electronic arts of Naples, since 2006 is founder of MAO Media&Arts Office, a non profit ONLUS and publisher (www.mediartsoffice.eu). From 1998 to 2007 he has been founder, then president of HUB/Integrated Communication, where he designed communication for companies and institutions as project manager, art director and product designer with a special focus on internet. On 2008 he created agency Questions of Space working in the field of architecture, design, web communication and event design - with a strong orientation to cultural and urban communication, visual arts, architecture, design and new media fields, as for DOMUS Magazine (Milan), Kabk (The Hague, NL), Metropolitana di Napoli S.p.A. (Naples), MAV Museum (Ercolano, Naples), Palazzo delle Arti (Naples), pr/undercover (Milan). Recently he has been selected and published - among 40 designers and companies based in Campania Region - in the first ADI CODEX book (January 2010, triennial publication). In the present times he also attends a PHD in Urban design and planning at Federico II University in Naples, with the aim to investigate closely the different relations between Urban planning, art and new media. He is the founder and the curator of N.EST Napoliest (www.napoliest.it), a think-tank producing contemporary art, architecture and urban science by focussing on relation and borders among media and public space, public art and informal regeneration activities aiming to redefine spacial and social context of actual cities neighbors. Born on 2004, N.EST is a collective practice to document and to issue strategies and projects for urban transformation. N.EST has been invited to events, festivals and exhibits in Europe, as: Venice Art Biennale, Sensi Contemporanei, Naples, 2004; Metropoli in-transizione, Giornata INU 2004, Naples; Fabbrica Europa, Florence, 2005; Premio Palinsesto Italia, Bologna 2005 (Special Prize); Media and Urban Space conference, Bauhaus Universitaat, Weimar, November 2006; COM.PA Salone Europeo della Comunicazione Pubblica dei Servizi al Cittadino e alle Imprese, Rome 2006; Annali dell’Architettura e delle Città, Naples, 2007; Festival della Creatività, Florence 2007; Cities on the Edge, Liverpool Capital of Culture, 2008, UK; Museo MADRE, Naples 2008; My Public Space, Netherlands Architecture Institute NAI, Rotterdam 2008.

Danilo Capasso




visual art, architecture, design