školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Lukasz Szalankiewicz

Resident Artist

ZENIAL (Łukasz Szałankiewicz) - an artist that has been identified with Sanok, Cracow and lately Poznań. He works as sound designer, music historian, curator. He’s a member of Polish Society
for Electroacoustic Music.

He has taken part in festivals in Austria, Russia, Bulgaria, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, France, China, Hungary, Belarus, Romania, Lithuania, Israel, Kazakhstan, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Urugway, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Luxembourg and USA (in 2011 on Focus! Festival organised in Lincoln Center by University Juillard and Polish Cultural Institute in New York.) In Poland, Zenial performed at following festivals: Audio Art., Unsound, Wro, and also in Kordegrada Gallery (Warsaw), Zamek Ujazdowski ICA (Warsaw), Arsenał Gallery (Białystok), Toruń ICA and many other places. In his work, Łukasz Szałankiewicz concentrates on sound explorations, as well as audio-visual performances and interactive installations. Apart from music activity, Zenial promotes Polish artists in Poland and abroad, and participates in organising some festivals. He’s also a cofounder of Audiotong label. Łukasz records as Zenial and Palsecam together with Maciej Szymczuk, he works as AABZU too. He works as a part of Dizzy Kinetics with prof. Marek Chołoniewski.

Web: www.zenial.audiotong.net.


Lukasz Szalankiewicz is residental artist of Visegrad Artist Residency Program.

Lukasz Szalankiewicz




sound art