školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Karni Dorell

Resident Artist

"At the center of my work are questions about social groupings and how the feeling of the group experience fluctuates between vulnerability and security. I examine the ebb and flow of groups, the movement together and apart. I try to imagine these movements between people as large-scale ‘dances’ living together in tightly compressed spaces, managing the distance between one another, navigating daily routines.

My images are drawn from groups of people, herds of animals, patterns, rhythm and movement. I garner my imagery from TV and print. I also often work with found and original photos. My imagery is recycled and manipulated to the extent that its origins become unrecognizable, allowing me to explore issues of the individual removed from it’s original environment.

Lately I’ve been gathering figures of people from around the world in various positions of action and placing them together in tight spaces drawing attention to the differences amongst us, the growing lack of physical space and the decreasing resources that threaten basic survival of people and the cultures that bind them. The proximity of which these figures sometimes are put together questions the connection between people in general and especially those who are living in areas of political conflict."

Karni Dorell, 2010

Karni Dorell




visual artist