školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Jaroslav Kořán

Born in 1962, Prague, Czech Republic.
Education: Academy of Graphic Design, Prague. Major: Photography.
Music Education: LSU (Czech Music Academy): piano, drums (with Rychetsky)

Till 1990 working as a photographer and after as a musician and visual artist.

Since 1983: Participation in joint exhibitions and exhibiting own work/presentations. /fine art, photography
In 1992: Foundation of music ensemble of improvised music: “The Forgotten Orchestra of Dreamland” /F.O.O.D./, and "The Horologe of Dreamers “ (own musical instument and ensemble).
In 2000 establishment of a recording studio of the dreamers and a small label Pagoda for own music. In 2001 formation of a small music ensemble dedicated to improvised music on percussion instruments Tresk (Bang) and a year later of an improvisational trio Par Avion. In 2001 formation of a musical duo with Agnes Kutas, Hungarian songwriter living in Prague, and from 2004 he plays in quartet with Chinese singer living in Prague Feng-Jün Song.
In 2005 he is launching Lounge music space (listening room for liing listeners)
and Black Kitchen (chamber multimedia improvising project).

1992: Participation in an Art Workshop - Montpellier/France
1992 –1994 sympozium Hermit in Plasy monastery
1995: Participation in “Symposion” in Montreuil/France
1997: Scholarship “Arts Link" in New York
1999 "MAPA" workshop in Berlin.
2003 a 2004 Schiele Werkstatt Festival, Neulengbach, Austria
2003 he was leading (with acteress Mahren Rahman) workshop of improvisation in
Projekt Theatre Studio, Vienna

Performances with other musical ensembles:
Nehodný banán, Vyssí populár, Richter band, Jiná rychlost casu, Modrá, Santus Musicus, Kaljanjazz,
Létající koberec, Plasma, Shamanic orchestra, Krless, Vladimír Merta a Jana Lewitová,
Jana Koubková a Guru band, Sledě živé sledě

Former and/or continuing cooperation with:
Luboš Fidler, Pavel Richter, Oldřich Janota, Michal Vích, Martin Janíček, Michal Kořán, Pierre Berthet, Michael Delia, Jennifer Helia de Felice, Miloš Karásek, Svatopluk Klimeš, Petr Nikl, Jana Svobodová, Vladimír Merta a Jana Lewitová, Tomáš Žižka a Mamapapa, David Jařab, Dobrá trafika Vinohrady(wall painting design), Pavel Micka a kavárna Velryba, Pavel Klusák, Theatre Timecircus, Marcus Godwyn, Axel Bagatsch a Theater Memory (Vienna), George Haslam & spol., Agnes Kutas, Eva Brenner a Projekt Theater Studio (Vienna), MerlijnTtwaalfhoven, Feng-Jün, Song, Michal Nejtek, Martin Smolka, Miroslav Janek...

Further with:

* 1991 Galerie Mladých, Prague -“Happestetika II”, music and sound design
* 1992 Music Theater , Prague -music for “Osseus Labyrinth” (USA)
* 1993 A-studio Rubín, Prague -slide show, director David Czesany
* 1994 Theater "Na zábradlí ", Prague, music, dir. J.A.Pitínský
* 1995 Roxy "Hodinový hotel", music and slideshow, dir. Tomás Žižka
* 1995 Komedie Theater , Prague, “Blue Bird”, slideshow, dir. D. Czesany.
* 1995-1996 School for Children with Special Needs, Strašnice, Prague, music and light therapy programs
* 1997-1999 Archa Theater, Prague - a number of performances with "F.O.O.D” – soundrack music for various old black-and-white movies
* 1998 Performances with the Culture Foundation "Mamapapa “, cooperation with Dutch Theater Group "Grieftheater", Prague-Bubeneč
* 1999 "Mamapapa" , “Lightlab”, sound design for Prague Quadrienalle “Demolice”, sound performances, dir. T.Žižka
* 1999
o Archa Theater, “King Oidipus”, drummer in the show, J.A.Pitínský
o “The Century of the Lust”, music and sound design, dir. Damian Gray(USA)
* 2000
o Archa Theater, “Theatre in the Motion” dir. Jana Svobodová
o “Good Anna” music for G.Stein play, dir. J. Svobodová
o Production/performance and directing of "Gulliver Travels," with F.O.O.D.
o Continuo Theater, New Year theatre show, drummer, dir. Pavel Šťourač.
* 2001
o Archa Theater, “Second Hand Twilights”, Czech-South African production, musical design, J. Svobodova, P. Nikl.
o “Marné tázání nebes”, drummer, dir. J.A. Pitinský.
* 2002
o Archa Theater, “Něžné knoflíky”, music, J. Svobodová
o Theatre Memory , “Fallen, Ein Nachstück”, sound and light design, dir. Axel Bagatsch (Vienna)
* 2003
o “The Drum from Nangnang”, music, dir. Ho-Shin (S.Korea)
o Projekt Theater Studio ,Vienna, “Auf der Suche nach Jakob“, music: Directors: Eva Brenner (A), Lee Breuer (USA)
o Mamapapa, music cooperation in Praterstasse festival, Vienna
* 2004
o Mamapapa, festival ILeMOUVANTE, Corsica
o ArchaTheatre, „Second Hand Twilight/Ditoro Tsa Takatso“ music, for performance in Bloemfontain, South Africa, P.Nikl, J.Svobodová
* 2004 + 2005
o divadlo Archa - Erotikon, live music soundrack with F.O.O.D.
o „Putování za snem“ and „V 11.20 tě opouštím“ , music coop. for the shows in camps for refugees people in Czech rep.
* 2005
o EXPO 2005 -“Garden of Dreams and Phantasy” , part of Czech installation in Nagoya, Eichi, Japan with Petr Nikl & team
o Mamapapa - “The Night of Museums” , Prague

Jaroslav Kořán


Czech Republic


musical performance, composer, visual artist