školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Standa Filip

Born 1957 in Most. Assistant at Video FaVU VUT Brno. Member of Pomalý posun.

Standa Filip is the pioneer of electronic media arts form the Czech Republic. Back in 80′s he has been developing bizzare DIY musical instruments and interactive and robotic instalations, but most of them are lost now. In the 90′s was involved in the begining development of new media scene in Brno. During this period famous Brno born artist Woody Vasulka that is a little older generation than Standa came to Brno to build up the scene. Since the intelectual climate of his generation was not prepared for his innovative ideas he was later discovered by younger generation as an artist (not as the older generation saw him as an technician). He was given attention at Multiplace festival in 2011 where he played concert on DIY intruments with students he had influenced. With some support of Standuino team he is working on rebirth of some of his older projects and ideas.

In the mid 90s he contributed to exhibitions HiTech Umění in The Moravian Gallery (1995) and The House of Art in Brno (1997 & 1998) and also was assistant of Woody Wasulka (and others: Tomas Ruller, Peter Rónai ) at the Faculty of Fine Arts. He was member of bands “Pomalý posun”, “Pomalé prostředky” (multimedia project 2003) and others. He is member of band “Klikva Klikva” that performs since 2007.

Standa Filip


Czech Republic


new media, music