školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Ganesh Anadan

Ganesh Anandan was born and raised in Bangalore city, south India where he studied Karnatic music for several years namely the flute with G. Venugopal and the mrdangam with K.K. Parthsarthy. In 1976 after completing university (B.com) he moved to Canada where he studied music theory and piano privately. He took part in a variety of workshops including Cuban Bata rhythms, Brazilian Samba and was a member of the University of Montreal's Gamelan Ensemble for a year. Since then Ganesh has returned to India on several occasions to continue percussion studies with T.N. Shashikumar at the renowned Karnataka College of Percussion studying the tavil – a ritual two sided drum and the kanjera – a south Indian tambourine.


Ganesh Anadan



