školská 28


Toto je archivní stránka ukončeného projektu z roku 2016.
This is an archived web site for a project that ended in 2016.

Konrad Korabiewski

Polish | Danish Konrad Korabiewski (1978) is an award- winning experimental multimedia artist, currently residing in east coast of Iceland. As a sound-artist, composer and media artist, Konrad Korabiewski has a minimalist, yet detail-oriented unconventional and experimental approach in his way of working and feeling. Focused on absorption, content and atmosphere of sound rather than a certain media, he experiments and develops new possibilities for expressing philosophical views and artistic ideologies in sensing music and art. This is also highly visible at Korabiewski’s live performances, where he involves other actors and medias to add layers and new dimensions to his music, sound and radio art pieces, installations and videoworks. As with his latest pioneering and prize awarded crossover, interactive art-book project Affected As Only A Human Being Can Be with the mixed media artist Litten

Konrad Korabiewski




music, visual art